35 Wall Collage Ideas (Tips, Design & Layout Inspiration)
25 October 2022
Long Read: Making sure you have the right mindset – OnOffice – Commercial | Design
30 October 2022

8 Steps to Office Refurbishment and Relocation Success


Making the right decision

There is no one-size-fits-all when deciding whether to stay or go. The needs of your people and your business requirements will dictate what you need from your office space. By focusing on defining your objectives, you create a solid foundation for deciding on your property. Your decision to move should never be an emotional one, your objectives need to stand up to the scrutiny of your strategic goals in both the short and long term. Whether this is related to your lease terms, your ambitions for new ways of working or to save costs, by isolating one or two key objectives, you will be in a better position to make the right decision.

If you are struggling with what to do with your office space, we can guide you through the process. We always recommend giving enough time to fully assess the situation. The earlier you start a conversation about your situation, the better. Don’t miss opportunities for your business by leaving it too late.

Visit our Stay vs Go Resource Page for further information about navigating the stay vs go debate.


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